For more information, contact Akila Austin at

The Juniors Program in Palouse has a focus
The Juniors program is meant to be an introductory step into the main club. We focus on technical development and motion education. Our main goals are to teach the basic ideas of the sport and the concepts of working as a group. We also try to teach each player how to better control their movements and to start thinking and acting for themselves in a respectful manner. Our leagues are played locally between neighboring towns to try and better relationships between the clubs associated while also bringing different views to learn from. Finally we specifically focus more on growing as players and do not prioritize winning just for the sake of winning. As long as the players become better then the results will follow eventually.

All games for the Juniors are played on Fridays and we usually guaranteed 6 to 8 games minimum. Seasons are often from late August to early/mid October for the Fall and late March to early May in the Spring.